A week ago today we said good by to the ranch supervisor. Thaddeus helped us do fence all day Saturday but was acting strange all day. During the night we knew we were going to loose him. Early Sunday morning he was gone. Thaddeus started out as a city dog, walks in parks, leashes and rules about everything. Thad would go out and sit at a high point and watch me as I moved the cows on our rotational grazing. Too many miles for him to walk but he was my watcher boy. No leashes, and he ruled his world. Now if there was a hay ring involved he was right in the middle of that! The transition from city dog to ranch supervisor was a process. He went from chasing the neighbors cows for fun to working our herd – meaning not chasing cows. Thad was our friend and companion, happy to just be near you. The boy spent plenty of time belly up, broken, as I called it , wanting belly rubs. Recently we brought in another pup because we wanted him to teach the puppy the things he was so good at.
Some of Thad’s favorite things… chains, yes big towing chains- we had to hide them or he would drag them out of the garage. We did not want him breaking a tooth on them so it was a continual game of keep the chains hidden.
Hay rings- he would roll them when they were on their side.
Water hose- watering anything was a challenge with him around!
Sticks- the bigger the better!
White tail deer- the boy lost his mind if there was a deer on our property. He would chase them but they were faster than he was, lucky for us.

Watcher boy
THE LOOK!!! Broken I love this place So tired Mom wont give me a chain so a tire will have to do Friends, hundreds of them. He would spend hours in the pond watching frogs. How do you do, I’m Fletcher
So long to my bub-bee. You were my friend. I loved you and miss you so much!!! The house is so quiet now that your not here snoring all night. Thanks for what you were able to teach RU she has some big paws to fill.