For the next 250 years the Milking Devons were a large contributor to the expanding frontier and the American homesteader. This highly intelligent, rugged, mild tempered animal helped build the Colonies and settle the West on the Oregon trail.
It is said that George Washington had this majestic tri-use breed on his farm. Today you will see them used in many reenactments of colonial life. We proudly have two ladies from today’s Mount Vernon herd. Both the states of Delaware and Vermont have horned red cattle on their state flag. In 1978 the American Devon Association was formed to record and conserve the original colonial type cattle.
Today they are listed as critically endangered with fewer than 2500 registered. In modern day,being a non-gene altered breed, the Milking Devons were unable to outproduce the gene altered breeds created for milking and beef production. Tractors and trucks replaced their draft qualities.